The Official ASEOHA Wiki


Flight Events:

  • Power Fault: The Power Fault is caused by the fluid links not supplying enough power to the binary conversion matrix, in order to supply the required power you must manually push power to the binary conversion matrix, this is done via engaging the throttle and refueler controls, if you fail the event, the TARDIS will automatically power off any unnecessary settings, such as lights, and a portion of your subsystems will be damaged

  • TARDIS Taking Over: This is caused by the Type 40's conscience overriding its navigational computer system, in order to override your Type 40's conscience you must prioritize the navigational computers stored coordinates by engaging the throttle, giving the randomizer a spin, and flipping the vertical land type.

Menu Protocols:

  • Eject Timeship Occupants (Security Submenu):
    Upon engaging, Every player within 128 blocks of the console unit, except for the player who engaged the eject protocol, will be instantaneously teleported to the exterior.

  • Hostile Action Displacement System [HADS] (Security Submenu):
    When the HADS (Hostile Action Displacment System) is active, the TARDIS will take off upon detecting a hostile entity within a few blocks of its exterior, and will rematerialize 10 minutes later.

  • Shrink (Exterior Properties Submenu):
    This toggles the shrink feature of the exterior, while shrunk, the exterior will appear very small


  • Gallifrey, Planet of the Time Lords

  • Skaro, Planet of the Daleks

  • Raxicoricofallapitorius, Planet of the purple sky

  • New Earth, Planet of the big buildings

  • Trenzalore, Planet of the villagers

  • Klom, Planet of the monsters


  • K-9:
    You can tame K-9 with a sonic screwdriver, then you must recharge K-9, in order to do so, click on it with any item that holds an Artron Charge (Sonic Screwdriver, Artron Battery, etc). K-9's maximum capacity is 100 AU, and by default will drain 1 AU every 25 seconds (this can be configured via the server config), upon charging it up, K-9 will be able to move and you can now open up it's inventory and GUI. To open K-9's GUI, simply right-click your K-9. to access K-9's Inventory, simply Right Click K-9 while you are Crouching. K-9's GUI can be used for navigating the TARDIS, as well as flying it, and controlling interior properties, among other things

  • Eye Of Harmony:
    Upon placing the Eye Of Harmony, you must activate it, to do so, you must first click it with a Nether Star in your hand, once the Nether Star is inside the EOH, Click the EOH with an empty hand, this will activate the Eye Of Harmony. If the Eye Of Harmony doesn't have at least 2 Harmonic Pillars within a 10 block radius of it, it will start to overheat, and stop generating energy. Whilst the Eye is activated and not overheated, it will give your TARDIS Infinite Artron Units.

  • Artron Bank:
    The Artron bank is used as a method of converting Experience points (XP) to Artron Units (AU)
    Right-clicking the Artron Bank will take away 1 XP level and convert it into 8 AU Shift clicking the Artron Bank will take 10AU and convert it into 1 XP.

  • Food Machine:
    The Food Machine takes artron and converts it to food, you can change what food comes out based on if you're holding shift, ctrl, alt, or nothing when you interact with the food machine